Jamia Masjid

Islamic center southhall

About Us

Welcome to Jamia Masjid Islamic Center

السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ ٱللَّهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ‎

Based in Southall West London, Jamia Masjid Islamic Centre propagates the teachings of classic traditional Sunni Islam - also known as the Ahlus Sunnati Wal Jama'a. If you have any questions, please do reach out via the contact form.

JazakAllah Khair!

Prayer times

Prayer times in London UK

London, United Kingdom, City of London

First Jumu`ah : 01:30 pm | Second Jumu`ah : 02:15 pm

Wise words from our Imam - QARI MUHAMMAD AMIN CHISHTI

Islam Pillars

Pillars Of Islam

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A Few Words
About us

Jamia Masjid in Townsend Road, Southall has the privilege of being one of the oldest institutions of West London, being set up in 1965 and serving the Muslims belonging to the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jammah.

Qari Mohammad Amin Chisti has been the Imam since 30th september 1984. This is when he first came to the UK. The mosque continues under the successful guidance of Qari Mohammead Amin Chisti providing educational services to to the Muslim community.

Apart from, five daily prayers, events celebrated by the Sunni Muslims, particularly, those belonging to the Indo-Pak community are also held. These events are the celebration of the birth of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) commonly known as Milaad-un-Nabi, Ghiyarhaveen Sharif, the lives of Awliya Allah and many others too. The celebration of Milaad-un-Nabi is one of the most important events held every year. The celebration of this event began in Southall in 1987.

Our Experts

Islamic Scholars

Bilal Ahmed

Before going to sleep every night, forgive everyone and sleep with a clean heart.

Fatema Akter

Before going to sleep every night, forgive everyone and sleep with a clean heart.

Saad Kabir

Before going to sleep every night, forgive everyone and sleep with a clean heart.

Osman Goni

Before going to sleep every night, forgive everyone and sleep with a clean heart.

Our Events

Upcoming event

Our Clients

What our Masjid ATTENDEES SAY

Nazrul Islam

We had an educational mosque experience. Didn’t miss anything, we told everybody about it. Thank you!


It was an amazing experience! I have got to know very interesting information about Islam & Muslims. Thank you for helping people learn more about Islam


It was a nice experience for us. We learnt a lot about Islamic culture and values. It was calming and peaceful.

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